
Have a (Solid Edge) seat!

Outdoor Furniture
Munder Skiles Outdoor Furniture

As people have been walking the halls of the Solid Edge ST4 Event, checking out the Product Showcase, they gravitate to two places. First, they are stopping at the WMF Coffee machine for their free cappuccino, espresso or latte (in Mark Burhop’s case, he spends all day there! Just kidding Mark) Then, they sit down enjoying their coffee in what appears to be just another table. After a glance on the card, they quickly realize their impromptu meeting place is another product designed using Solid Edge.

I caught up with Bob Mileti from Trlby Innovative, LLC and asked him about the Munder Skiles Outdoor Furniture and the event. The furniture is made by John Danzer, founder of Munder-Skiles, a firm specializing in the production of both historically-inspired and original designs of Garden Furniture and related products. (Side note: I don’t think I could afford a leg to one of these chairs!)

For those of you who don’t know Bob – is there anyone? – he’s a passionate Solid Edge user, frequent visitor to our message boards and known for having what we call “Mileti Moments”…small little rants about what we need to fix 🙂 We’ve nick-named the table and chairs the “Mileti Cafe” just for him.

What’s interesting about Bob’s use of Solid Edge is he used Solid Edge Sheetmetal to create the bend in a chair made of teak wood. Listen to his story.

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at