
HD-PLM Technology Framework Launched at Expo 2010 Shanghai China

As I previously mentioned, Siemens PLM Software launched its HD-PLM Technology Framework at Expo 2010 Shanghai China with a press event and product demonstrations. This was an ideal venue for addressing the globalization demands that manufacturing and process industry companies are facing today.

HD-PLM is based on four basic tenets that define how the technology framework will help users make better decisions faster so they can spend more time innovating.

  • PERSONALIZE – Personalize the users’ experience by recognizing who they are and actively presenting them with only the information they need to perform their tasks.

  • ASSIST – Assist users proactively to make collaborative decisions, by aggregating, analyzing and monitoring information, notifying them when action is required and suggesting collaborators to aid in their decision making.

  • CLARIFY – Clarify the users’ understanding by presenting “rich” information in the most intuitive way and enabling them to navigate to associated data from different disciplines and sources.

  • VALIDATE – Validate user decisions against best practices, by applying analytical techniques to assess alternatives and capturing decision-making best practices for future reference.

Here are some highlights from the event:

Dr Helmuth Ludwig
Dr. Helmuth Ludwig, President of Siemens PLM Software introduced “Siemens PLM Software’s Strategic Vision”.  Here he unveils the HD-PLM key messages to the audience

Dr. Chris Holmes
Dr. Chris Holmes from IDC, delivered his presentation on “Revitalizing Product Lifecycle Decision Making”

Chuck Grindstaff Technology Demonstration
Chuck Grindstaff our EVP Products and Chief Technology Officer,  formally announced the launch of the HD-PLM Technology Framework

Eric Sterling VP marketing
Eric Sterling the Sr VP Global Marketing, joined Chuck for the technology demonstration

Mr. Hamatani Masahide on Product Development Vision
Mr. Hamatani Masahide from Canon on “Product Development Vision”

Joan Hirsch on key features of NX7
Joan Hirsch our VP Product Design Solutions highlighted the key features of NX7

We are the world 3D Demo
Group visit to Siemens Showcase in EXPO site: We Are the World. Key messages on HD-PLM and NX7 are reinforced during the networking session.

Siemens is contributing technology to infrastructure projects that are making the Expo an overall success. For a look behind the scenes, visit the Siemens Youtube channel.

Let me know what you think about this post.  Leave me a comment below.


Jerry Sarfati

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