
Interview with Bruce Pettibone about Firewire Surfboards

There are many benefits for attending PLM Connection events.According to the conference web site, some of the key advantages are:

  • Enhance Your Knowledge of the products.

  • Take advantage of the Hands-on opportunities with free training and help sessions.

  • Use the week to gather REAL User Feedback.

  • Learn about new tools that can help improve your productivity.

For me, the third item, is all about networking.Meeting new people, and catching up with old acquittance’s.While Social Networking tools such as Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook are powerful, there is nothing like chatting with someone you’ve known for a long time.

That is why I particular happy to see a former co-worker of mine at PLM Connection, Bruce Pettibone.Bruce and I were both programmers at another company, over 25 years ago.(we wrote code in a language called FORTRAN Smiley Happy )

Bruce told me about a project that his company, SHAPELOGIC LLC, has been working on with Firewire Surfboards, to allow users to customize surf boards on the web.

Following is a short interview about this project.

With summer coming up, this might be your opportunity to get that custom board.Try it now, at their web site, by clicking this link. I’ll be looking for you on the beach!


Jerry Sarfati

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at