
Interview with Shipbuilder Lürssen at Siemens PLM Analyst Event

PLM for shipbuilding at Siemens PLM Software analyst event
Dr. Klaus Borgschulte, Lürssen

For those of you out there who own a luxury yacht, this blog post is not for you. You are already well aware of the detailed process that went into developing your custom ship. For the rest of you, let’s consider PLM in specialized shipbuilding. Dr. Klaus Borgschulte managing director of Lürssen, presented at the Siemens PLM analyst event. The company’s history spans 140 years. Over the past decade, they have used Siemens PLM software to integrate systems to achieve their objectives.

PLM in shipbuilding – especially luxury yachts – is different from other industries. There are no prototypes. There is no series to the product line. Volume is low with just two to three produced each year. Lead times are long – between three and a half to seven years. Yet the product development objectives are the same as most manufacturers:

  • Reduce lead time

  • Manage higher output

  • Be more efficient with engineering resources

Learn more in my video interview with Klaus:

bert geisler outlines Siemens' shipbuilding industry catalyst
Bert Geisler, Siemens PLM Software

Our own Bert Geisler (above) presented on our Shipbuilding Catalyst for the marine industry at the analyst event. He noted that the industry is in significant transformation. He highlighted our Future Fleet focus to help leading shipyards improve productivity, align operations and optimize processes. Our CTO Paul Sicking highlighted 4GD as a key technology for shipbuilders. Klaus shared in the video interview how that technology is key to reducing non-productive tasks like searching for information.

PLM has helped Lürssen to meet its objectives for shorter lead times, higher output and more efficient manpower. Learn more about PLM for shipbuilding on our website.

So if you had a luxury yacht, what would you want it to look like? Get inspired on Lürssens web page of design concepts.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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