
Introducing NX 10

Today we’re proud to announce the latest release of Siemens’ NX™ software, NX 10.

We’ve made some exciting changes with this latest version of Siemens PLM Software’s NX software.  From feature enhancements to brand new capabilities in CAD, CAM and CAE, NX 10 has something for designers, manufacturers and analysts alike.

My favorite option is the new touch-enabled interface that puts product information literally at your fingertips. You can use NX 10 on tablets with Microsoft’s Windows. Using your hands to manipulate shapes is a more natural, intuitive way of designing.

Combine this with improvements made to NX Realize Shape, and you’ll be creating highly stylized shapes with complex surfaces in no time. NX Realize Shape uses an approach to creating 3D geometry that was pioNX CAE in NX 10 solves complex nonlinear problemsneered by the entertainment industry for films.

Another great enhancement we’ve made should spark the attention of simulation analysts: NX CAE features a new multiphysics environment. You can easily build coupled solutions on the same mesh using the same options you’re familiar with thanks to its consistent look and feel. And this environment streamlines complex simulations, because it connects multiple solvers.

You can experience the new functionality of NX 10 starting in December.

Read about all of the new changes and features we’ve added based on feedback from users like you in the NX 10 documentation.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at