
Jim Brown talks about Social Networking

Jim Brown, President, Tech-Clarity, has been an early advocate of social networking in product development/PLM. He has been follower of the social networking phenomena and has actively written about the intersection of social networking and product development.
I caught up with Jim at recent the COFES2010 conference in Scottsdale. I asked Jim to share his thoughts on what role he sees for social networking in product development.  He believes it is still early for social networking in product development. He sees early adopters experimenting with soocial networking as PLM vendors start bridging social networking and PLM into more streamlined process. He believes that the ability to bring social network chatter about product intent into the product development environment is very critical.

Jim Brown is going to join Dora Smith’s Social Media session at PLM Connection on Tuesday, May 25 at 10:15 a.m. Dora and Jim will be discussing the topic in more detail.

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