
Kinecting Microsoft and Siemens PLM Technology

IMHO, one of the most inspirational keynotes yesterday came from Simon Floyd, Director, Innovation and Product Lifecycle Management Solutions at Microsoft. Simon, @floydinnovation, began with this video.

How many embedded technologies have you encountered? I counted 25 out of 45 that I have personally worked with and I didn’t even count the Siemens mention 😉

I caught up with Simon in the Microsoft booth later in the afternoon yesterday. We had a fabulous conversation about what Microsoft is doing (in partnership with Siemens PLM) to add value for users. He was kind enough to provide this video.

While Simon and I were chatting, my colleague Andy started driving the Fiat car and I captured this video. So how does this relate to PLM? It’s not so much about gaming, but the underlying technology and the application for real world use cases. The example that even my mom can understand is a doctor who is in surgery. While operating on a patient, you wouldn’t want him to stop and flip through paper-based MRI or XRay results. If he can simply turn around, swipe his hand in the air to flip through the results, this provides the most effective (and healthy) way a doctor can have all the information at his fingertips (pun intended).

About halfway through the video above, Simon mentions our Tecnomatix Jack product is using this today. I did see a tweet from Tim Egloff yesterday about a demo he did and Tecnomatix’s use of the Kinect tecnology. We’ll wait for his report. For now, check out the Kinect Effect video that Simon also shared.

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at