
Manipulating & Reusing 3rd party CAD data within Solid Edge

I sat in on Dr. Andrew Thomas’ (@asteng88) presentation yesterday afternoon. We asked Andrew to present his story because, well, It Rocks! I don’t think I can tell his story in a blog post quite as eloquently as he did nor will it replace you seeing it for yourself. Adrew was kind enough to give me his presentation. Live at the event, Andrew showed a video of how quickly you can edit foreign data inside Solid Edge with synchronous technology. It took him and his team longer to import the data (9 minutes) than it did to edit the data (1 minute).

On the right is an image in his presentation. I think it’s a wonderful illustration of what his company is doing – manipulating and reusing 3rd party CAD data (specifically SolidWorks and Inventor) within Solid Edge.

One more note before you scroll through the Slideshare presentation…Andrew hada quote at the end of his presentation that addressed students. Given our announcement about the Solid Edge Academic Program and my recent interview with Ben Sampson, this was timely and appropriate:

New graduates that have trained on Solid Edge will be using Synchronous Technology. “In a moving world, readaption is the price of longevity”

Solid Edge ST4: Energist and synchronous technology

I caught up with Andrew after his presentation to get a few thoughts from him.

You may remember Andrew from the interviews Chad Jackson of Lifecycle Insights did last November on customers who presented at the Siemens PLM Analyst event:

The Voice of Engineering: Energist’s Transition to Synchronous Technology

The Voice of Engineering: Energist on Selecting Solid Edge

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at