
Mobile PLM 2.0

On Wednesday we announced Teamcenter Mobility 2.0, our latest mobile PLM release.  Yesterday Eric Sterling shared the app in more detail to analysts and editors attending our analyst event in Boston. As Kenneth Wong points out in  Teamcenter Mobility 2.0 From Passive Consumption to Active Participation, much of the audience at the event is already quite attached to their iPads.

This latest release expands our goal to equip Teamcenter users with access their PLM information anywhere, anytime.  The initial Teamcenter Mobility app focused largely on consuming and reviewing information, enabling use cases such as monitoring and signing-off on workflow and change information, reviewing assembly documentation from the shop floor, or reviewing service instructions while in the field.

This release enables use cases that require more contribution and input from mobile PLM users.  Imagine a service technician in the field using the iPad’s camera to take a picture of a failed component, then immediately using the unique touch driven interface to write notes, draw annotations, and finally submit that image for review and resolution – all before leaving the customer location.

Check out the new Teamcenter Mobility 2.0 in action in the video below and in the AppStore.


New features include the ability to:

  • Browse product structures

  • Import data into Teamcenter

  • Create new relationships between data

  • Initiate workflow

  • Create markups (with third-party markup tools)

  • Perform impact analysis

When we first launched the first mobile PLM app, much of the feedback centered on the possibilities. Tech Clarity’s Jim Brown recently published a blog and a podcast on mobile PLM applications with findings from his recent computing research.

Let us know how you think you could use a mobile device with the ability to read/write PLM data at your fingertips. Please leave us a comment below.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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