
New Video Case Study Highlights NX for Design – Steinhobel Design

Steinhobel Design (South Africa) is a “purist” industrial design consultancy. The company uses NX software to develop innovative designs for its clients. Steinhobel employs NX freeform modeling to create leading-edge, complex organic shapes and engineers its designs with NX to achieve maximum potential for products in terms of aesthetics, ergonomics, comfort, safety, and manufacturability.

Following is a recent video case study from Siemens PLM and our South African channel partner ESTEQ,  it describes how Steinhobel Design relies on NX in the design process.

“We have a vehicle in NX CAD, where we can … compete in the race and win, every time,” says Brian Steinhobel, owner of the firm. “The ongoing refinement and improvements that you get coming out of NX on a yearly basis — we surf the crest of that technology, and capitalize on it by incorporating it into our latest designs. Therefore we have a magnificent progressive approach to the design, where we are actually giving a competitive advantage to all of our clients on a consistent basis.”

Jerry Sarfati

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