
NX CAD and CAE Community Wrap-Up

CAD and CAE Community Wrap UpThere are exciting new posts about CAD and CAE added every week to the NX Design and NX Simulation communities. In case you missed the last two weeks, here is your chance to catch up.

This week’s wrap up from Siemens PLM Software contains new NX Quick Tips videos on Synchronous Technology 2D and Pattern Component, along with the next two articles in the Simulation community’s series on integrated CAD and CAE. These articles offer a look at integration issues from the perspectives of people and technology. Check out the links below to learn more, and don’t forget to join the communities for access to


NX Quick Tips: Synchronous Technology 2D – Synchronous Technology 2D gives you the same freedom and speed in 2D that the groundbreaking synchronous technology gives you for 3D geometry. Learn more when you watch the NX Quick Tips Video.

NX Quick Tips: Pattern Component – Learn how to use the NX Pattern Component feature in NX 9 to create copes of components and lay them out in a pattern formation.


Technology Issues and Solutions Behind CAD/CAE Integration – Even if you and your company recognize the benefits and are committed to integrating CAD and CAE, you need the right technology to make it happen.

CAD/CAE Integration Lets Analysts Focus on Future – You might fear integrating CAD and CAE will lead companies to consolidate roles and eliminate jobs, but it can lead to more value-added work for and an improved process.

Catch all the latest news on CAD and CAE when you sign up for free to the NX Design and Simulation  communities today! These interactive forums offer resources, news, tips and how-to’s from NX users just like you. You can even get news directly to your inbox if you subscribe.


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at