
NX CAE Tips & Tricks – Usability Features

Usability is a major focus for NX CAE.  In our effort to put you, the analyst, in the driver’s seat, we are constantly enriching our front-end with intuitive, productivity enhancing features.  Allow me to introduce you to just a few of them.

Direct editing is probably our most widely enjoyed feature.  Powered by Synchronous Technology, it allows you to freely edit multi-CAD geometry a la click and drag.  You can modify geometry on-the-fly in response to your simulation results, not to mention defray the expense of oatmeal raisin cookies for the friendly designer who’s help you would have to enlist with traditional CAE tools.  Check out the video below for a closer look at this game-changing functionality.

Direct Editing

Next up – midsurfacing.  Midsurfacing is an efficient technique for modeling thin walled parts in 2D.  You can often obtain 99% of the insight available with a 3D model, but at a fraction of the computational cost due to the simplicity afforded by a 2D shell mesh.  NX CAE is setup to make midsurfacing painless and intuitive.  I think the example below illustrates just that.  You’ll see how you can quickly perform multiple midsurface operations after subdividing the geometry as necessary.


Finally, lets take a look at mesh control options.  It is often beneficial to perform ad hoc mesh refinements to better capture structural effects in critical areas of your geometry.  This freedom to tailor local mesh density and also customize nodal spacing is another great usability feature contained inside the NX CAE toolbox.  I’ll let the following video illustrate.

Mesh Controls

Stay tuned for more NX CAE Tips & Tricks,


SPLM Software

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