
NX HD3D – Unlocking your PLM data

NX7.0 is the first release to include HD3D capabilities for NX visualization and NX Check-Mate. We are also introducing a new application which we call ”HD3D Visual Reporting”.

Let’s look at Visual Reporting first. This product allows you to interactively investigate your PLM data and in-session attributes. This information can be used to easily generate visual reports from the results.

How do you currently get this information?

  • Design review…. How much of the product is still WIP ?

  • Ad hoc user inquiries….Show me all checked out parts.

  • Context setting…. Show all Powertrain components.

  • Next is Validation or Issues Management. We have enhanced NX Check-Mate to take advantage of the HD3D environment. Check-Mate provides a large library of checks that can be managed locally or with Teamcenter. We have streamlined the interactions in the graphics areas and made the process more intuitive and efficient.

    Here is a short movie to show you HD3D in action.

    To summarize, HD3D is all about unlocking the value of your PLM information.

    What else would you like to know about HD3D? Let me know, add your comments below.


    Jerry Sarfati

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    This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at