
PLM Connection: Shape Searching With Geolus


Erwin Argyle, product manager for Geolus Search, presented at PLM Connection Europe this week. You may remember we acquired Geolus about three years ago. I wanted to catch up with Erwin to learn a little more about why and how companies use shape (or geometry) search vs. traditional attribute search. Here’s our video interview and the slides to his presentation.

There appears to be some significant cost and time savings from the ability to reuse parts that you couldn’t find in traditional attribute searching. Erwin shared research from Aberdeen that noted:

“With the annual carrying cost of between $4,500 and $23,000 per item for the introduction of a new part number, duplicate part proliferation is an area of known cost exposure. Reductions in procurement costs translate into dollar-for-dollar increases in profits.”


Erwin shared use cases in engineering, procurement, manufacturing and business analysis. He demonstrated these in the context of NX and also Teamcenter.

He also shared with me that he had just learned synchronous technology in NX at the event. He was taught it in the morning and showed it in the afternoon for one of his use cases. The audience helped him out with a (not-so) tricky area wink.

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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