
Ride The Rails at 350 kph With Innovative Rail Design


The first time I rode the TGV from Geneva, Switzerland, to Paris, France, I was amazed at the speed (~300 kph). But today’s high-speed trains go even faster.

One of our NX customers, Max Bögl, designed and built the Slab Track System Bögl for China’s 2008 Olympics. It rides the rails at 350 kph or 217 mph. This enables you to travel from Beijing to Tianjin in 30 minutes! (It also set a new country record for 394 kph or 245 mph.)

Max Bögl is the largest privately-owned construction company in Germany and designs and builds diverse structures from stadiums to power stations.


The innovative part of the Slab Track System’s design is the pre-cast concrete panels that can be opened to traffic more quickly than site-placed slab track and replaced easily. For the China system, there are 36,000 track layers.

You can download a detailed brochure from Max Bögl’s website. With all the talk of how economic stimulus money can be spent on infrastructure, hopefully those spending the funds are looking for innovative technology like this.

FYI, VSG Software & Service GmbH is our local partner who supports Max Bögl and other leading manufacturers in Germany.

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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