
Rocking with Solid Edge Simulation at PLM Connection

Dora Smith got a few of the blogging team T-shirts with our name. The front says “Rock Star By Night, Blogger by Day”. I should have worn it today when I stepped on to the raised platform to present Solid Edge Simulation.I wish I had thought to bring a white glove.

OK, I’m exaggerating (except for the part where I almost fell off the stage like Steven Tyler).  Power Point presentations on FEA are not high on the excitement meter although I do think colorful stress plots are way more interesting than PDM charts. Still, turn out was good and we had real users this year since last years presentation was before SE Simulation was released.

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Why FEA is better than PDM

About ½ the room had not yet updated to Solid Edge ST2 which is the first version Solid Edge Simulation is available. So, I started with some slides not too different from last years presentation (see it here)

Toward the end, I was able to talk a little bit about what we were doing for ST3. We did a number of customer visits around the world collecting requirements and have had many discussions and emails exchanges with VARs and customers (thanks for your time – I know you have real work to do).  The ST3 Simulation release is extremely customer driven and we were able to address 50% of all customer enhancement requests.

While I’m not able to talk about everything, there are some pieces of the Solid Edge Simulation ST3 I can talk about that I presented today.  If there is something you are interested in, leave me a comment below and I’ll try to cover it. Also keep an eye on other bloggers as I saw a couple in the room.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at