Solid Edge Technology Partner Roundup – Yeeha!
*See translation at the end of this post if you don’t speak country and western.
OK Pardners, time to mount up! We are again inviting you straight shooters to a big shindig over in Nashville. Bring your kickin’ technologies and customer enablin’ productsto Solid Edge University in June. I’m taken names and making sure you get what’s due to ya so send up some smoke signals and I’ll ride in with all the details. Just do it soon, before the Stampede!
So why Nashville this year? Two reasons. We’re expecting a few more cowboys at this rodeo and we plum outgrew our barn. In Nashville, we’ll have space for you and your horse.Secondly, Nashville is big in both kinds of music, Country AND Western.
I hope to see you good folk there. Don’t forget to write for more info.
Cowboy Mark (head wrangler)
*Translation:Dear Technology Partners, registration for Solid Edge University is open and we would like to invite you to sponsor the event. This is a great opportunity to showcase your technologies and products to our growing community of customers and companies using Solid Edge. All you have to do is send me an email (mark.burhop AT and I’ll send you the details. Just hurry, as space is limited.
So why Nashville this year? There a couple reasons. Last year’s event went very well and we are expecting significant growth. Nashville can provide a larger venue while still being close to the main development center in Huntsville, Alabama. Nashville is also a fascinating city with one of the most vibrant music scenes in America.
For more information on Solid Edge University, check out @SusanCinadr’s post. Then send me an email to see what we can do together.
Mark Burhop (Programs Director, Solid Edge Technology Ecosystem)
P.S. I’ve also sent a formal invitation to all Solid Edge Technology partners.If you didn’t get one, let me know so that we can verify we have your latest contact information.