
Solid Edge Tips & Tricks – Toggle Parts in Pathfinder & Revision Manager Where Used

Things have been busy around Siemens PLM as of late. Next Tuesday, there will be big news coming from the Velocity team. Make sure to bookmark this page. For now, we’ll stick to the Tips and Tricks. In fact, we owe you tip #6 & #7 this week.

#6 – Toggle Parts in Pathfinder: Quick and convenient ways to navigate and change displayed components in your assemblies

#7 – Revision Manager Where Used: This handy tool takes the guesswork out of doing ECO’s

Note: The video above is pulled from YouTube. If you subscribe to Siemens PLM channel, you can be notified right away when we post the latest video from our Tips & Tricks series. There is a playlist on YouTube just for the Tips & Tricks, check it out here. We also realize that some of you do not have access to YouTube, so you can always check out the Solid Edge Demo Page.

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at