
There’s a new sheriff in town!

It’s been just over a month since John Fox joined Siemens PLM as the new marketing sheriff for the Velocity Series (read the press release) and I would like to give you an opportunity to get to know him a little better. Last week, Dora Smith sat down with John in Boston at the Siemens Industry Software Analyst event and ask him a few questions about his new role. Find out why he accepted this role, what he’s hearing from users and a little about the Analyst event.

Here’s the link to the Solid Edge ST3 events (North America) that John mentioned. More events in other countries will be added 🙂

Personally, I had an opportunity to have dinner with John after the Cincinnati Solid Edge Productivity Summit in August and I am excited about the experience he brings to our company. At one point in our conversation I told him no more work talk (this was after about 2 hours of discussion); I was happy to hear we share a common hobby, cycling! John is a road cyclist and you can frequently find him enjoying his weekends on the road. This weekend he completed a 100 mile ride for MS in the City to Shore ride in NJ. If you are a cyclist or want to chat about marketing, Solid Edge, PLM, or any other subject, connect with John on Twitter @Johnhfox or on LinkedIn.

Join me in giving John a warm welcome!

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at