
Uniting the virtual and physical

As I mentioned previously, next week is our annual analyst and media event.  This is the event where we give all with those that closely follow us and update on what we’re up to.  The most exciting part is always the customer presentations, because that’s where the rubber meets the road: real users talking about what they are doing with our tools. This year there are a few changes: first it’s moving from New York to Boston.  But what could be more interesting is that its bi-locating in Second Life as well.  As much as we’d like everyone to be able to come to Boston, we know that’s not always possible, so this year we are going to simulcast a portion of the event on Siemens Innovation Connection in Second Life.  We will be exactly mirroring the presenters, video and slides from the room in Boston to the auditorium on our island.  What’s more we will be doing interactive Q&A with the second life audience once the presentation is over.  If you are at all interested in getting some of the most up to date information on some new products we will be announcing or just want to participate in a working example of integrating the digital and physical, be sure to register.

Christian Kelley

I have worked for Siemens PLM Software since 1996. I've done lot's of different things, but for since 2007 I have lead the online marketing team. The Community platform is my responsibility so if you have any ideas about what we could do better here, let me know.

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