
Welcoming Abhijit Dastidar to our Blogsquad

Abhijit Dastidar

Is it with great pleasure that we welcome our newest member of the Siemens PLM BlogSquad, Abhijit Dastidar.

Abhijit is currently a marketing manager of Manufacturing Engineering Software Solutions business unit at Siemens PLM Software, Inc. He is responsible for worldwide product marketing activities of Tecnomatix product line. His expertise is in the assembly planning and validation applications.

Prior to joining Siemens PLM Software, Abhijit held positions in product management, solution consulting, and software development and comes with hands-on experience in developing PLM solutions for various industries. Abhijit has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India and MBA from Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.

Abhijit has been blogging internally for the past few months so I’ve had a sneak peek at what he will be sharing with you. He joins fellow blogger Tim Egloff, who recently covered the Digital Manufacturing Track at PLM Connections Americs, and will provide Tecnomatix users with Tips and Tricks Videos among other topical information.

Please welcome Abhijit. Stay tuned here for his blog posts and follow him on Twitter.

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at