
Content Migration Manager

 For years, companies have struggled with changing CAD systems. The cause of the struggles can originate from several factors:translating large amounts of data in an unmanaged environment; the need to remaster all parts, assemblies, and drawings; or losing design intent.  Siemens PLM Software offers a world class solution for customers who desire to move from existing SourceCAD systems to NX.  The solution is called Content Migration Manager, and it solves each of the aforementioned challenges for companies.

Siemens PLM would like to announce the latest release of its Content Migration Manager software, CMM 11.0.2. The Content Migration Manager (CMM) allows users to transfer data from existing CAD systems to NX while preserving design intent in a managed Teamcenter environment.

CMM supports migration from major SourceCAD systems, including NX I-deas, Catia v4, Catia v5, SolidWorks, and ProEngineer/Creo. CMM also contains extensive reporting, validation, and options for configuring the results of your company’s migration to fit your exact needs.  CMM supports the migration of part features or part boundary representations (B-Reps), assembly structure/constraints, and associative drawings.

For a demonstration of the Content Migration Manager’s capabilities please contact your local SPLM representative.

Below are several highlights from the new CMM 11.0.2 release.

Content Migration Manager for Catia v5

                CMM for Catia v5 now offers support for Shipbuilding entity types Plates and Stiffeners along with the already rich support of v5 part features.  CMM reads the attributes from the ship entity types and creates the corresponding NX parts.  This enhancement greatly increases the success of migrating shipbuilding customers.


Content Migration Manager for ProEngineer/Creo

                CMM for ProEngineer/Creo contains almost 40 enhancements and robustness improvements for migrating Creo customers.  Major enhancements include improved support for the Copy Geometry feature through better resolution of source-target relationships, enriched support for Hole Pattern migration, and enhancements to several drawing entity types to reduce post migration drawing repair activities.

Content Migration Manager for SolidWorks

                CMM for SolidWorks now offers support for Configuration migration in a Teamcenter managed environment.  This CMM enhancement works in conjunction with the SWX Integration for Tc (SWIM).  SWIM allows the user to “expose” configurations upon up save to Tc.  These exposed configs have new Teamcenter items created for them and therefore allow CMM access to the data for migration.  CMM will create a unique NX dataset for all assembly or part configurations that are exposed in Tc. The picture below shows the UI for saving a SWX Configuration to Teamcenter.  CMM is executed upon the new Item using the same selection process as all other migrations.


Content Migration Manager for NX I-deas

                CMM for NX I-deas contains several enhancements for the support of attributed symbol migration on drawings. CMM 11.0.2 furthers the support for attributed symbols and also fixes a couple of problems that required post migration drawing repair on migrated symbols.

In summary, Content Migration Manager 11.0.2 contains approximately 100 enhancements and robustness improvements for customers desiring to migrate from a legacy CAD system to NX.


Michael Yoder

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