
Winner Announced for Free Training Giveaway

live online training.pngNo one is born exceptional. Instead it takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance over time to develop the skills to be considered exceptional. That’s why training is so important for anything you wish to excel at—CAD included.

So it’s no surprise that so many engineers and designers jumped at the opportunity to win an entire year of free training from Siemens PLM Software.  The Free Training Giveaway ran for the entire months of May and June. Participants could register to win in one of three ways: they could attend a training class, create a new Learning Advantage account, or log in to their existing account within a given timeframe. 

Today, we are pleased to announce the lucky winner. Congratulations, Jacob Lovegrove!


Jacob gets to enjoy free access to training at any Siemens PLM Software training centers in the United States and Live! Online courses courses for an entire year.He recently attended his first class and has graciously agreed to share his experience with all of you.

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Q: It looks like this was your first experience with our online training classes. How will this training impact your day-to-day work?

A: This was my first online class with Siemens. Up to this point, I have used Learning Advantage extensively for learning NX / Teamcenter functions. The NX Administration training helped me configure certain settings and customize the interface for each of my users. The training also helped me to set up a central configuration file for specifying templates, settings, etc.

Q: What have you found to be the most valuable part of training so far?

A: The most valuable part for me is the instructor interaction. The ability for instructors to answer questions and share their own tips adds a lot of value to the training when compared to Learning Advantage alone.

Q: How did you feel when you found out you had won?

A: I was excited when I found out I won free training from Siemens for a year. I am new to NX—I started using [the software] in February—and have been using Learning Advantage often. Having online or classroom training improves this experience greatly.

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The takeaway here is that while online self-taught classes are certainly helpful (not to mention free!), you will get much more out of your learning experience when you combine them with instructor led courses, whether online or in person. The benefit, as Jacob pointed out, is the additional level of interaction you get—You can ask questions, get specific feedback, as well as additional insights you might miss if you were learning on your own. Training can benefit anyone regardless of experience, as we have courses that range from the beginning level all the way up to expert. 

Congratulations again to the lucky winner, Jacob Lovegrove! You’re sure to see progress over the next year as you complete your free training.

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