
Free e-Book: Leveraging a Model-Based Definition to Build a Digital Thread

Download our e-book here and learn how you can use model-based definition to build a digital thread to improve productivity througout your organization. 

Modern product development relies on a foundation of digitalization. An entire company contributes to the digital thread, each department building, enhancing and adding value to the work of others.

For many years, the single source of data for design depended on engineering drawings.

The advent of 3D models offered an opportunity for companies to replace manual drawings with something called 3D Model-Based Definitions (MBD) in areas like:

  • The Bidding process

  • Tooling Design

  • Machining

  • Defining Instructions

  • Quality & Inspection


Bonus: Our product manager for model-based definition explains what exactly MBD is, as well as what it can do for your organizaiton.

(view in My Videos)

William Chanatry

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at