
Siemens wins Employment Partner of the Year award from University of Cincinnati’s IDD Education Center for teaching NX software

The University of Cincinnati’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Education Center, established in 2014, provides programming for teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to further their education, independence, and life skills.

University of Cincinnati’s 7th Annual Red & Black Blast

This year, at the IDD Education Center’s 7th Annual Red & Black Blast, the event included Special Recognition for 3 awards. Roger Grein, founder of Magnified Giving, was honored with the Championship for Inclusion Award. Four UC faculty, Christopher Atchison, Aaron Burdette, TJ Murphy and Sheryl Sorby, of the STEM team for IDD received the Chuck Altenau Outstanding Service award for creating innovative opportunities to improve outcomes for people with IDD.

IDD Education Center creates new Employment Partner of the Year award

This year, a new award was category was introduced and Siemens was awarded as the inaugural Employment Partner of the Year. Together, Siemens and the IDD Education Center created a program focused on providing accessible STEM education for students with Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), including teaching and training students in NX software. Opening up the pathways to STEM education for more people with a variety of experiences and backgrounds is important for driving innovation, increasing inclusivity, and combating unemployment in technical fields.

Learn more about how the partnership between Siemens and the IDD Education Center breaks down educational barriers for people with disabilities.

Mollie Gladden

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