
A Next Generation Tool: Design for Additive Manufacturing featured at Local Motors

Pat.JPGPat showing off new tools for additiveLast week, I had the pleasure of attending an additive manufacturing conference in Knoxville, Tennessee. A diverse range of businesses were represented at the conference. These ranging from independent contract machine shops to multinational conglomerates. All of the organizations attending had one thing in common. To learn about additive manufacturing and ultimately implement additive into their manufacturing facilities.

Fast forward to my favorite part of the event. A facility tour at the industry innovators in the additive manufacturing field. This of course being at one of Local Motors’ Microfactories.Local Motors famously brought to life the world’s first 3D printed Shuttle “Olli” . Those who were on tour of the microfactory explored the processes, applications, and materials that demonstrate Local Motors’ continuous success in the additive field. 

What’s really great about Local Motors is that they use Siemens PLM Software tools like NX. My colleague Pat, showed off NX and its Next Generation Design tools for additive manufacturing as part of the Local Motors tour. This was a very fitting place to show off features such as convergent modeling and generative design which are essential for designing in the additive space. NX is the only solution that lets you modify the facet data inputs for additive manufacturing, saving critical time. 

Below you can watch what NX was up to last week at Local Motors. 

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William Chanatry

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