Ashley has been with Siemens PL in various capacities since December of 1997. In that time he has bent sheet metal, laid-up composites, folded flexible printed circuits, and printed in 3D. Who knows what he'll be up to next...
To go forward, you must first look back… Figure 1- The metal awl from Tel Tsaf upon discovery. – Credit: PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096882 In 2014, archaeologists working a site in I…
A while back, I experienced every traveler’s nightmare. I was on a flight home that got canceled. I immediately got on my cell phone to call our travel agency to see what my options were. It ended up…
It’s not often that you get to try your hand at a completely different career, but not long ago I found myself sawing through bones to give a patient a knee implant that would allow them to regain th…