Coming Soon:  New forum for NX Customization and Programming

Coming Soon: New forum for NX Customization and Programming

At the request of several users, we will soon be adding a new forum for “NX Customization and Programming”.

Thistopic doesn’t fit into Design, Simulation or Manufacturing, so we’ve …

NX Quick Tips: Expressions and Attribute Templates

This post has moved to the NX Design Knowledge Base.

The complete NX Quick Tips video series can be  found here. 


New NX Quick Tips, coming soon!

New NX Quick Tips, coming soon!

Stay tuned, we’ve just finished filming more NX Quick Tips videos.

We’ve filmed some with @JohnRBaker and a few more with our colleague @SamKuan .

Stay tuned, and be su…

Rapid Prototyping Using 3D Printing On the Rise

As 3D printing becomes more accessible and affordable, more companies are turning to 3D printing for prototypes early in the concept design stage as a cost-effective way to identify i…

NX Case Study: FUNCOSA

The technical team at FUNCOSA works more accurately and rapidly using NX CAD. “We’re saving a lot of time using NX, and find it useful because it supports multiple design approaches,” says Víctor Fer…

Modern-day Amelia Earhart becomes youngest woman to fly around the world

Modern-day Amelia Earhart becomes youngest woman to fly around the world

On Friday July 11, 2014, AmeliaEarhart, a former reporter from Denver, Colorado USA, completed an around-the-world journey.

Amelia Rose Earhart (no relation to the famous aviatrix)…

Global Image Gallery 2014 – July

Global Image Gallery 2014 – July

Each month, Siemens PLM shares a customer-created images from a wide array of industries around the globe.   This month we are  highlighting the following NX images: &nb…

NX Case Study:  Robots become superior “Football players” by design

NX Case Study: Robots become superior “Football players” by design

Football Fans (aka Soccer here in the USA) have been glued to the television for the past couple of weeks watching the World Cup in Brazil. 

The RoboCup is not as famous as the World …

NX Quick Tips: Check-Mate

NX Quick Tips: Check-Mate

This post has moved to the NX Design Knowledge Base.

To learn more about Check-Mate, click here.

The complete NX Quick Tips video series can be  found here.
