Democratizing Access to Space: NX Interview with

     In today’s global technological landscape, commercial opportunities in space are growing alongside innovation.  The number of space stations built, corporate s…

Project HERA: Aerospace Innovations with NX

    Industry-disrupting technology can come from anywhere. For Project HERA (or “Projet HERA” in the original French), it is coming in the form of an end-of-studies proj…

Celebrating Innovations in Aerospace

On Friday, October 12th, SIEMENS NX and Maya HTT hosted a movie premier event in Montreal, Quebec to celebrate the premier of the First Man movie – to look back on the aerospace achievements necessar…

SIEMENS and Maya Present Next Generation of Aerospace at CTA

Last week, the Colloque Innovations et Perspectives (Aerotechnique Symposium) at CTA’s facility in Montreal put key innovators in the spotlight, and created an environment for professionals…

Generative Design and Advanced Composites for Aerospace Webinar

Register here for the webinar.

As per the 2018 Global Aerospace & Defense Outlook from Deloitte, the passenger air traffic is expected to grow at an average annual growth rate of 4.7…

Aviation Week and Siemens PLM Present the Next Generation of Design for Aerospace

With technology developing at a faster rate with each passing day, the demand for high quality products has risen. Customer expectations have grown to require the highest levels of performance and re…

NX in Space: Powering the CRS 12 Launch and Beyond

  Few things in life come close to the experience of attending a rocket launch. It is the only event I have ever seen that warrants the use of the word “awesome” in its literal sense, meaning…

50 Years of Progress in 10…What’s Next?

I got to sit down with some of the engineers from the United States Air Force last week to hear their thoughts on PLM Connection 2017 and learn about some of the cool projects they’ve been working on…

3D Printed Mini Jet Engine Roars at 33,000 RPM

3D printing is on the rise. It’s more affordable and accessible than ever, and as more people take advantage of those benefits, we’re starting to see some interesting and unique uses for the technolo…