
Siemens is Looking for Early-Stage Businesses in Industrial Augmented and Virtual Reality

By AnnaTTB

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Full house @Galvanize in San Francisco on June 22d to talk about the industrial applications of AR/VR solutions…Our guests – from AR/VR entrepreneurs to experts from large manufacturers as Renault-Nissan and competitors as Schneider Electric – all interested to learn more about recent developments of AR/VR.


Mohhsen Rezayat, PhD, Chief Solutions Architect with Siemens PLM Software, shared the Siemens vision on the development of industrial AR/VR, highlighting the need for innovative solutions/applications in remote collaboration and simulations as well as hardware enhancements (e.g. helmets should get lighter, easier to wear and manage, have a better battery life, etc). Mohsen also shared the Siemens’ vision of AR/VR in his recent interview with Xconomy.



Mohsen’s keynote speech was followed by a panel discussion that clearly demonstrated the exponential growth of the AR/VR technological area and at the same time showcased different points of view from different players of the ecosystem. Mike Pegler from PwC, chairing the panel, reminded the audience about the recent statistics: more than a third of the companies that were interviewed by PwC said they’re using AR/VR technologies or have plans to use it within three years. Nathan Christensen from Orbital ATK talked about end-user experience of adopting AR/VR in the aerospace industry and happily highlighted that AR/VR technologies are finally becoming more affordable. Matt Kammerait from DAQRI, a perfect example of a growing AR/VR startup business, outlined some pain points of the current state-of-the-art, notably quality of images and motion sickness. Finally, Matt Miesnieks from Super Ventures described investment trends in AR/VR pointing that “AR and VR haven’t had their “smartphone” moment yet. They haven’t found the perfect use case”.

These are great insights for entrepreneurs. Also for the entrepreneurs, some great news about how to get involved with Siemens in this topic: Siemens announced the expansion of its well-known startup collaboration and acceleration platform, the Siemens Frontier Partner Program.

Finally, event guests were lining up to touch some real AR (although very early-stage) demos from Siemens. You can feel the excitement by looking at our pictures.

Thank you to our guests and speakers for such an exciting event!


More about the Siemens Frontier Partner Program:

By partnering with Siemens, startups can

» Build on proven and scalable technology provided by Siemens PLM Software.

» Leverage well-established sales channels to get your solution to market faster.

» Reach the industrial manufacturing market.

Here are a few fast facts about the program:

» No application deadline

» One year participation, including a year developer license to selected Siemens PLM software, technical and marketing support, access to funding opportunities, etc.

» Open to both software and hardware early-stage entrepreneurs.

Startups in AR/VR (and also in Robotics and 3D Printing) can learn more about the program and submit their applications on the Siemens Frontier Partner Program website.

Anna Baranskaya

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at