
Siemens NX on the Cloud with Microsoft Azure

Siemens NX can now be run on the cloud with Microsoft Azure!  With NX on the cloud, work can continue from a company office, home office, or remote work location with secure and uninterrupted access to the software and company’s engineering data. NX CAD is built on a flexible and extensible architecture that can be deployed and accessed in different ways. NX on Microsoft Azure is one of the latest deployment options, giving you flexibility in using your CAD tools in today’s ever-changing environment. Microsoft Azure provides you with cutting edge technology, empowering you to stay on top of your business needs and adapt to any changes down the road.

 “Siemens NX on Azure has enabled us to provide customers instant remote access to NX with no downloads, installs, or configuration. In October 2020, user feedback on the latest version of NX on Azure across US and Europe reported very positive performance and user experience.  NX continues to provide best in class flexibility and deployment options including the ability to now scale on demand to allow any number of users. Microsoft Azure helps us reduce the IT overhead that would otherwise be required to help our customers try and realize the benefits of the latest version of NX.”

George Rendell
Senior Director, NX Design

Watch the video below to see Sam Kuan take you through a typical design review of airplane systems, in Siemens NX on Microsoft Azure.

Siemens NX on Azure is:

Powerful – Your CAD experience is now seamless and responsive because NX runs on Azure servers that are optimized for the CAD use cases. Windows Virtual Desktop runs on GPU enabled virtual machines with multiple Microsoft Azure performance options  – select from 4 to 32 CPU cores, 14 to 112 GB RAM, and 2 to 16 GB GPU memory.

Flexible – NX supports streaming from Microsoft Azure using Windows Remote Desktop protocol, Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), or partner solutions. Workspot is an award-winning Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider that provides a turnkey service for quickly deploying performance-optimized, enterprise-class workstations running Siemens NX. As a cloud-native service, Workspot delivers low-latency, high-performance and secure streaming from any Azure region globally. Each customer is fully isolated on Azure for maximum security. Learn more about Workspot cloud desktops on Azure.

Secure – Your CAD data is now more secure than ever because it can also be stored on Microsoft Azure next to your NX cloud streamed instance, which in turn means it can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, and on any device without copying and transferring data. Data is secure because it does not leave your cloud environment. CAD data access can be controlled throughout your engineering team and company, no matter the size.

CAD on the cloud affordability

Scalable – This NX solution provides quick deployment with no need to purchase or update physical servers and workstations. The number of CAD users can also be scaled up and down based on current business needs. You can now innovate with peace of mind without the worry of procuring and managing any new hardware. Sleep easy knowing your cloud environment is backed by Microsoft Azure, providing unrivalled uptime and availability.

Cost Effective – NX can be easily streamed from Microsoft Azure to any computer, saving you money by simplifying implementation and maintenance, while reducing implementation cost as well as reducing the total cost of ownership for your CAD software deployment.  You can easily access CAD data in NX on any computer, even from a lower hardware specification laptop. You no longer need to purchase, manage, and upgrade expensive workstations which are replaced with an affordable usage-based service fee from Microsoft Azure.

At the center of Microsoft Azure’s NVv4 instances is AMD’s latest high-performance CPU and GPU processors which deliver ground-breaking innovation and technology performance to help enhance today’s modern workforce. The 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ processors, based on AMD’s Zen2 architecture, introduces superior standards of performance with an abundance of vCPU cores helping to accelerate multi-tasking and multi-threaded workflows. In addition, AMD Radeon InstinctTM GPUs introduces the latest GPU innovations with GPU-partitioning standards, high performance graphics and compute capabilities combined with support for Siemens NX and Team Center

William Chanatry


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