
Using 3D models to digitize your product engineering requirements

A Model Based Enterprise Solution Conversation with Paul Brown and Allan Berhens

Recently, during a conversation between Paul Brown of Siemens Digital Industries Software and Allan Behrens of Taxal the following question was discussed: How can you use a 3D model to digitalize your product engineering process?

Product and manufacturing information provides a broader scope of embedded knowledge into 3D models such that it becomes an effective digital twin of what will be created in the real world. It isn’t that we haven’t had this information before, it has just always come from many different sources and the ability to pull it all together into the 3D model is really where the true value lies.

Often data has come from many different places and it has had to then be interpreted based on “what does this mean for design?” The issue with this is that it relies on an individuals’ personal interpretation, and there is ambiguity; as people start reading and trying to understand the documents provided. This becomes more and more of an issues the more spread out a company becomes, communicating around the globe and being able to share information. This often results in a breakdown of communication, collaboration and ultimately quality of the end product.

Having the model as the basis of your process removes a lot, if not all of the ambiguity that those working in silos would normally encounter.

Once you have the definition, once you have the requirements how can that then be leveraged into a model based enterprise solution, using that comprehensive and complete 3D model to digitalize your processes? A process that includes both 3D design and system integrations successfully moves a company towards a model based enterprise solution.

Watch the first installment of our Model Based Enterprise Series with Allan Behrens and Paul Brown. Learn more now!

Julianne Bass

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at