
Siemens Xcelerator Marine Solution: Industry Trends and Regulations | Part Three 

In our last entry, we discussed the challenges that the marine industry is trying to combat.  In this continuously updating environment, it is imperative that marine companies stay ahead of trends and regulations. From common trends that have been around for a while to what the future of transportation and shipping might look like, Rafael De Gongora, Senior Director of Shipbuilding, will clue us in our what the future of the marine industry could look like.  

Common trends within the industry 

One of the most common trends within the industry is something that has been consistent since the start. Ships have continuously been made more specialized to meet consumer demands. Before, ships were made for general operations and people used them for a variety of reasons. Today, each ship being created will have a specific job to carry out and is designed in a way to achieve that goal. With the increased demand for shipping, cargo ships are being created to hold more containers while keeping the performance of the ship still superior.  

One of the biggest trends happening now is the search for better materials to make ships cheaper and lighter, while improving the structural resistance. This may sound great, but in reality, it is a more complex equation than what meets the eye. To make materials cheaper and lighter without giving up durability and performance is the true challenge. The use of Siemens Xcelerator can help in this case by facilitating the prototyping of new solutions without having to physically build them.

This image shows a real ship on the water

Considering the climate 

Also, shipbuilders are having to take into account the warming and cooling of certain climates. What before used to be unnavigable waters may now be possible for large ships, taking the necessary safety measures. Shipyards are now factoring in weather crises when building and developing their ships and their routes.  

A change in transportation 

One of the challenges that we spoke about in the last entry is also one of the trends in the marine industry. Because of the increased specialization of ships, and the use of more sustainable fuels, new harbors are being built in order to accommodate these specifics. Whether or not the old and outdated shipyards are going to be able to keep up with the demands it yet to be known. What is clear is that the direction that the harbors are going is into automated processes. With automated loading and unloading systems in place, ships are able to have more efficient stops to keep up with the high shipping demands worldwide.  

The future of shipping 

It is clear that the most important factor of the marine industry is the design and durability of new ships. With the Siemens Xcelerator Marine Solution, shipbuilders will have the tools to design and build the ships while also having the tools to manage the operations side in their toolbelt. The Siemens Xcelerator Marine Solution is responsible for managing the assets of the ship while Teamcenter manages the components. With this pairing, the operating costs fall, and the life of the ship gets extended substantially. This in turn keeps ships on the water longer and creates profit for the shipyards. As an old marine saying goes: “we want ships sailing, not in the dock.”

The image shows a colored 2D design of a ship

Changing the industry perspective 

Historically, the marine industry has received a bad reputation across the globe. Many people have looked upon the industry as a large driver of pollution. The reality is that for many years, the marine industry has been making advancements to change that perspective and be more conscious of the materials and marine life affected by these decisions. In fact, the marine industry was one of the first industries to get ahead of sourcing sustainable solutions and electric options. For the most part, these decisions have been made outside of abiding by the regulations. Shipyards and builders are the ones driving the regulations to make more sustainable and eco-friendly ships. The hope of consistently being a leader amongst industries with sustainable solutions is to decrease the carbon footprint while proving a better reputation for the future.  

The Siemens Xcelerator Marine Solution can help make shipbuilding a more sustainable process. Pairing innovative design processes with a system to keep your ship in order, the future is looking bright for the marine industry.  

Secure data trumps all else 

Finally, one of the most important trends coming up in the marine industry pairs well with the advancement of ships. With more customized ships and processes, the data and information is what is held at a premium. Yes, the infrastructure and cargo are important factors, but the data on the ships is what is most desired to be held confidential. The Siemens Xcelerator Marine Solution is capable of holding on to old and new data. In turn, this should keep the customers’ minds at ease for the security of the shipping industry.  

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