
Blog series: Introduction to the digital machine shop

New market demands require new technological solutions

Machine shop owners face new challenges from the changing market expectations. Their customers will no longer accept mistakes or delays as they did in the past, and demand a responsiveness that can’t be met with inefficient production processes. Machine shop owners should respond by adopting an end-to-end unified solution—or risk being outmaneuvered by competitors.

Read our three part blog series to learn more about how to adopt a digitalization strategy:

Blog #1: Are machine shops at risk of becoming the next Blackberry?

Machine shop owners face new challenges in the changing market.  Learn how to prepare your business to meet the new demands.


Blog #2: The benefits of becoming a digital machine shop 

Discover how successful machine shops can quickly turn around perfect products when and where the customer needs them.


Blog #3:  Open your shop’s doors to new markets with adaptive systems 

Learn how to make your machine shop thrive despite fast-changing market expectations and customer demands.

About the author 
Sashko Kurciski is a senior marketing manager at Siemens PLM Software. Sashko leads the marketing of the part manufacturing software solutions to help companies transform their production processes through digitalization. He has been in the CAD/CAM/PLM software industry for almost 20 years, working in a range of roles, including product management and software development. Sashko holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona and lives in southern California, USA.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please leave a comment below.

Stephanie Aldrete

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at