
Deloitte and MIT Sloan Management Review present a new video series about the digital thread

MIT Sloan Management Review and our partner Deloitte have teamed up to create a high quality and insightful video series called Following the Digital Thread.

3 - current v topology part.jpgThe original Bell Crank and the optimized versionThe series tracks an aerospace “bell crank” part through the digital thread process including the initial concept, the design, simulation, manufacturing, and validation.  As we move along the digital thread, we learn about groundbreaking processes like topology optimization, product simulation, and additive manufacturing that are driving modern innovations in product design.  Through this video series, we can easily see how the digital thread is enabling industries and companies across the world to produce better products. 

The video series is produced by MIT and Deloitte, and highlights Siemens’ software technology and Siemens employees, along with starring roles by our customer One Aviation and our partner America Makes.


This series builds on our continued relationship with Deloitte, as we recently launched a new joint solution called Deloitte Siemens Digital Thread for Additive Manufacturing (DTAM). Our DTAM solution couples Deloitte’s consultative capabilities with the Siemens technology suite, to provide guidance on how to best operationalize Additive Manufacturing and the Digital Thread.

The video series is accessible to anyone as a thought leadership and educational series, and is being rolled-out over 1 - plane.jpgThe video series stars our customer, One Aviationthe period of two weeks beginning today, February 27th, with a new video being released daily on the MIT Sloan Management Review website (with the whole series fully available March 12th).  Each episode is less than 10 minutes and they add up to a very informative and entertaining series.

If you are interested in learning more about the digital thread and design for additive manufacturing, we highly recommend you head to the MIT Sloan Management Review website and have a look.

You can find the video series here:

Ashley Eckhoff

Ashley has been with Siemens PL in various capacities since December of 1997. In that time he has bent sheet metal, laid-up composites, folded flexible printed circuits, and printed in 3D. Who knows what he'll be up to next...

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at