
RAPID + TCT 2018 Wrap-up

As the additive manufacturing market grows, it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with all of the various events, conferences, workshops, and tradeshows that have grown around this industry.  Siemens debuted at formnext last November, and just last week we made our first official appearance at RAPID + TCT in Fort Worth, Texas.

For those who might not be familiar with RAPID, this conference focuses on additive manufacturing and the surrounding technologies and includes an exhibition floor as well as workshops, presentations, and roundtables for participants.

Partners, Partners, and more Partners

IMG_5133.jpgThe Siemens burner head printed full-scale on a Trumpf AM machine.As I walked the floor, it was heartening to see so many companies who are partners with Siemens PLM.  Our hardware partners were well represented.  EOS, HP, Trumpf, SLM Solutions, Sciaky Inc., Stratasys, and others all had booths on the exhibition floor.  Trumpf, in particular had a very nice full-size print of the Siemens burner at their booth as well as the part you may have seen printed in the video we did with our friends at toolcraft.

Our software and services partners were also in attendance.  Frustum, Identify3D, Materialise, and Saratech were all represented on the exhibition floor as well as Deloitte who had a workshop and multiple presentations talking about the digital thread.

Visions of the Future

IMG_5127.jpgThe Siemens booth at Rapid+TCT 2018.The best part of the conference for me was just interacting with various customers, partners, and prospects who came by the Siemens booth.  We had the pleasure of discussing hardware, software, and services with many, many people who attended the conference. Our friends from Materials Solutions brought along several very impressive metal printed parts, and we also exhibited parts printed with HP Multi-Jet Fusion and other technologies.

For those who stopped by the Siemens booth, we are sincerely glad you came and said “Hi.”  Talking with each of you about our vision for industrializing additive manufacturing was the highlight of the conference.

If you missed us at RAPID, we look forward to seeing you in the years to come.  In the meantime, if you would like to connect, feel free to comment below, or contact anyone here at Siemens.  We’ll be sure to get you whatever information you need.

We have already begun our planning for next year’s show, so we very much look forward to seeing you then!

Ashley Eckhoff has a background in engineering and has been with Siemens for over 20 years in various capacities.  He has spent the last few years deep-diving into additive manufacturing in both product design and marketing roles.

Ashley Eckhoff

Ashley has been with Siemens PL in various capacities since December of 1997. In that time he has bent sheet metal, laid-up composites, folded flexible printed circuits, and printed in 3D. Who knows what he'll be up to next...

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