
Video: NX 11 for Manufacturing – Connect your digital machine shop

View, “NX 11 for Manufacturing — Connect your digital machine shop,” narrated by Corsin Buerer, Director of Part Manufacturing Data Management, Siemens PLM Software.Corsin will tell you about the new work instructions authoring capabilities in NX CAM.

Video Transcript:

Today I’m going to talk to you about some exciting news we have for your CAM NC programmer working with NX 11. In former days these NX programmers had to go out and document their NC programs in manual ways using MS Word or Excel, and copy and paste images from their CAM stations in order to illustrate their CAM processes. We are going to change that.  We are introducing NX work instruction authoring now.With this functionality we bring these activities of manually, disconnected creation of work instruction into the CAM process.  While the NC programmer is working with NX CAM he can directly create the work instruction for the operator. And, using data management to store this data inside our Teamcenter database, will allow them to transfer all this information using Shop Floor Connect down to the operation space where we connect the machine tools with our DNC functionality and will provide the operator at the shop floor access to the authored work instructions.

You can read much more about NX 11 for Manufacturing on our web pages and blog.

Daniel Santoro

IT Applications Developer Lead (Delta Team) at Siemens Digital Industries Software. IT Applications Developer Lead (Delta Team) at Siemens Digital Industries Software. IT Applications Developer Lead (Delta Team) at Siemens Digital Industries Software. IT Applications Developer Lead (Delta Team) at Siemens Digital Industries Software. IT Applications Developer Lead (Delta Team) at Siemens Digital Industries Software.

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