
What’s new in Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.6

Integrating an in-line SPC module and delivering single-item tracking capabilities using HPE transactions

We are excited to announce that the latest version of Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.6 has been released!

Opcenter Execution Semiconductor effectively replaces legacy and siloed manufacturing systems that haven’t kept pace with the demanding and ever-changing requirements of semiconductor manufacturing. With Opcenter Execution Semiconductor, manufacturers are no longer hindered by islands of automation and disjointed systems: now they can innovate, adapt and succeed. Manufacturers that choose Opcenter Execution Semiconductor are up and running quickly, and are assured that the application can grow with and conform to their business needs.

Opcenter Execution Semiconductor is designed for frontend and backend manufacturing operations, offering a high level of out-of-the-box industry functionality, the highest level of con-figurability and complete interoperability with other business systems. It provides instant intelligence; from test results and yields to statistical quality control that enable you to improve quality and productivity.

Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.6 brings a lot of valuable capabilities, here are some of them:

  • In-line SPC module integration
  • HPE availability
  • Single-item tracking enhancements
  • Three new automation inquiry services: Each new service returns the configured instances based on criteria passed to the inquiry service: Recipe – Tool plan – Carrier family

Benefits of Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.6:

  • Integrate new in-line SPC module using MOM SPC components to replace third party SPC engine
  • Build and implement HPE transactions with general release of HPE framework
  • Support two-level lot starts and processing, multi-dimensional carrier position definition and usage and multi-container closure
  • Use automation inquiry services for tools, carrier family and recipes

Already using the Opcenter Execution Semiconductor? See what’s new in version 8.6.

Want to learn more? Opcenter Execution Semiconductor replaces legacy and siloed manufacturing systems that haven’t kept pace with demanding and ever-changing requirements of semiconductor manufacturing. With Opcenter Execution Semiconductor, manufacturers are no longer hindered by islands of automation and disjointed systems; now they can innovate, adapt and succeed. Manufacturers choosing Opcenter Execution Semiconductor are up and running quickly and are assured that the application can grow and adapt with their businesses. Learn more about Opcenter Execution Semiconductor.

Alessandro Cereseto

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