
The What, Why and How: Closed-loop Manufacturing for MedTech

How do I actually implement Closed-loop Manufacturing?

Join us for this webinar to learn what CLM is, why you need it, and how you can have it today.

For Medical Device manufacturers, the growing importance of a proactive approach to quality and productivity is clear. It allows you to accomplish your mission of improving the lives of patients, while running a profitable business that stays in business.

Closed-loop manufacturing (CLM) is all about being proactive. Connecting the elements of the product lifecycle to design in quality, create an efficient and effective manufacturing process, and control that process to eliminate errors and defects results in higher quality and lower cost. Oh, and ensure regulatory compliance as a byproduct. Simple.

You can implement CLM today. With the leading MES for the Medical Device industry – Camstar Enterprise Platform – you have a seamless environment with PLM to orchestrate quality and operational excellence across your product lifecycle.

We get into the nitty-gritty in this webinar – we show you how to implement the systems, the end-to-end flow of functionality, and some real-world examples of how it works in production, and what it means for MedTech manufacturing.

Hear from James B. Thompson (Head of Industry Strategy, Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industries, Siemens PLM Software) and Sergio Bellisario (MOM Industry Manager, CPG and Medical Device Industries, Siemens PLM Software) as they take you through everything you need to know about what CLM is, why you need it today, and how you get there.

Don’t miss this live webinar. Register Today.

Riccardo Consonni

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at