
Top quality issues concerning manufacturing leaders amidst technology convergence

There is a powerful convergence of technologies happening in the manufacturing world. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – mobile devices, social networks, cloud computing, application platforms, and analytics and cognitive technologies – and Operational Technology (OT) – sensors, robots, and additive manufacturing. The convergence is exemplified in what is called the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It is creating the revolutionary potential to customize, predict, and diagnose impending machine or process failures; improve efficiencies; and boost productivity by as much as 40%.

Nevertheless, not all manufacturers have embraced the digital transformation, and a majority remains hampered by significant quality-related challenges. Some of the quality issues that are common across major manufacturing verticals globally, specifically in the automotive and IM&E sectors, are shown in the table below.

F&S Table.png

In order to best mitigate these quality issues, a strategic approach to quality management is necessary. As manufacturers continue expanding their operations globally, companies are being forced to be digitally connected and follow an integrated approach toward industrial process management.

In addition, improved trade and related bilateral trade agreements create opportunities for companies to establish operations globally, whereas focused manufacturing initiatives help improve the share of GDP in manufacturing for Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). Each of these factors leads to an increased demand for systems and software that support cross- border manufacturing operations.

That said, most companies today still follow a siloed approach to quality management, but a closed-loop quality management system (QMS) is needed to enable a bidirectional flow of information to and from the departments across a global manufacturing value chain.
With current stagnated economic growth, productivity gains are pre-eminent. Industrial producers will do well to probe into innovative technologies and tools that can help integrate customer operations into their systems, and, concurrently, help improve process efficiencies, bring down production costs, and boost factory performance.

To achieve this, manufacturing organizations are making strategic investments in quality management solutions. The traditional quality management set-up in manufacturing is increasingly making a move towards the more future-ready closed-loop approach.

Find out more about the top quality issues facing manufacturing, and the future-ready closed-loop approach to quality that is now possible with state-of-the-art technology solutions. Read the new white paper.

Claudia Basso

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