
What’s New in Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.0

Enhancing the user experience, ease of use and operator productivity for Semiconductor Manufacturers

We are excited to announce that the latest version of Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor (formerly Camstar Semiconductor Suite) Version 8.0 has been released!

Semiconductor is, arguably, the most advanced manufacturing in the world; yet most companies have not yet stepped forward into Smart Manufacturing. It is time. The pressure is on and the technologies and approaches to succeed have arrived.

Smart Manufacturing is the element of Industry 4.0 that digitalizes the manufacturing process to ensure continuous improvement. It is a key digital enterprise thread for consistent, high yield processes.

Smart Manufacturing connects the entire manufacturing process lifecycle. This spans well beyond traditional manufacturing execution systems (MES) and their track and trace functions – and even well beyond the most modern semiconductor MES capabilities.

Smart Manufacturing ties all MES functions together with fab, line and automation design using simulation to test options and optimize processes and production outcomes. It includes manufacturing and production planning and scheduling. It also feeds sensor data from equipment and other industrial internet of things (IIoT) equipped devices into analytics systems for historical, current and future predictions.

The latest release delivers an enhanced user experience and a responsive framework. Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor Version 8.0 delivers the following capabilities:

  • Improve efficiency, ease of use, and operator productivity
  • Enhance user experience
  • Provide more responsive framework
  • Deliver mobile-ready user interface
  • Provide touch capability
  • Expand internationalization

Already using the Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor? See what’s new in v 8.0.

NEW VIDEOS: A look into and technical overview of Siemens Opcenter Execution Core v8.0

View these new videos for a look at the innovations Siemens is introducing with version 8.0 of Siemens Opcenter Execution Core, which represents an evolution of the Camstar Enterprise Platform (including Camstar Medical Device, Electronics and Semiconductor solutions). Learn about:

  • Modern, intuitive user experience for all users – operators, supervisors, and inspectors
  • Responsive, adaptive framework to enable mobility and enhance security
  • Data utilization that affords new insights to improve quality and reduce time to market
  • Greater configurability and extensiblity

View the videos today:

Smart Manufacturing Now

The future and present of semiconductor is Smart Manufacturing. The time to act is growing short.

As with any digital strategy, success typically rests on having a very clear business benefit. Pinpointing what matters most to the success of the company and its manufacturing is the starting point for Smart Manufacturing.

With the high degree of automation, it may be difficult to envision what could be “smarter” at the manufacturing operations level. Other industries are changing their production approaches to best leverage the intelligence at every level. They won’t look like your fabs or back-ends, but they may reveal some very interesting and applicable ideas.

This is a time of exciting opportunities, but only by challenging the status quo can companies fully benefit fully from them.

Want to learn more? Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor replaces legacy and siloed manufacturing systems that haven’t kept pace with demanding and ever-changing requirements of semiconductor manufacturing. With Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor, manufacturers are no longer hindered by islands of automation and disjointed systems; now they can innovate, adapt and succeed. Manufacturers choosing Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor are up and running quickly, and are assured that the application can grow and adapt with their businesses. Learn more about Siemens Opcenter Execution Semiconductor.

Alessandro Cereseto

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at