Dairy Industry 4.0 – Manufacturing Transformation for the China Mengniu Dairy Company

Digital transformation in process manufacturing is being exemplified in one of China’s leading dairy companies. The China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited, a conglomerate producing over 400 dairy produc…

NEW VIDEO: Digital Transformation through Closed-loop Manufacturing and Closed-loop Quality

The digital manufacturing enterprise of tomorrow starts with closing the loop today. Siemens’ Digital Twin and Digital Thread architecture enables collaboration among product design and engineering, …

Controlling the 5Ms in Pursuit of Product Quality | Part 3 – Machine

This blog series continues as we discuss the 5Ms of manufacturing – material, man, machine, measure, and method. Part 3 focuses on control of machines.
In the previous blogs, we said that the p…

Siemens MEAC to Host Workshop in Chicago

Siemens’ MEAC (MOM Expertise Alliance Center) is a community of highly skilled and strategic alliance partners providing MOM-specific services to manufacturers. These organizations provide high-perfo…

Gruppo Campari Adopts Comprehensive Process Manufacturing Suite to Unify Global Operations

In a recent blog, we described Gruppo Campari’s (the world’s sixth largest company in the global brand beverage industry) adoption of an enterprise-wide specification management system, and its impac…


We are excited to announce the latest version SIMATIC IT Preactor APS has been released! Version 2016r3 offers improved integration, reporting, and visualization.

SIMATIC IT Preactor sof…

Controlling the 5Ms in Pursuit of Product Quality | Part 2 – Man

In the first part of our blog in this series, we made the observation that, despite the environment of change we see in the manufacturing industry today, some things always stay the same. Like the ba…

Gruppo Campari Digitalizes Global Specification Management to Streamline Process Manufacturing

Gruppo Campari is the world’s sixth-largest company in the global brand beverage industry with over 50 premium and super-premium brands worldwide. With 26 acquisitions in the past two decades, the gr…

Quality Management that Shifts the Focus to Improvement

Quality managers have to spend some of their time putting out fires. The question is, how much? With the right kinds of continuous improvement processes in place, effective quality managers spend le…