
MES as a Core Innovation Target

A manufacturing execution system (MES) cannot be an afterthought; rather, it must be a core piece of factory innovation programs….

Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 2210

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 2210

Using single-item tracking enhancements for automation and Restful API extensions We are excited to announce that the latest version of…

Opcenter execution Semiconductor

Single-item traceability for complex multi-chip devices

Live webinar We’ve seen in the news recently that many countries are taking steps to address the acute global shortage…


What’s new in Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.9

Improving scheduling, wafer-based sampling and the user experience while providing Rest API enhancements We are excited to announce that the…

Opcenter Execution Semiconductor

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.8

Delivering RESTful API enhancements, HPE framework extensions and single item tracking features We are excited to announce that the latest…

Two women in a server room discussing MES and ERP systems

Manufacturing execution systems (MES) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: How they relate

Efficient interaction between manufacturing execution system (MES) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is critical to a manufacturer’s productivity and on-time delivery of products. Integration of MES and ERP systems enables their complementary functionality to bring greater benefit to a manufacturer than siloed systems

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.6

Integrating an in-line SPC module and delivering single-item tracking capabilities using HPE transactions We are excited to announce that the…

Learn about Manufacturing Execution Systems, Quality Management, Advanced Planning and Scheduling at RealizeLIVE!

Realize Live + U2U 2021: Digital Manufacturing Experience | Opcenter

Learn what’s new in Opcenter, how digital manufacturing turns innovative ideas into transformative products, how our applications address the most critical needs of industrial manufacturing, and much, much more in this exciting, one day event!

Woman in front of laptop, Laptop shows the Opcenter Execution Semiconductor software

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.5

We are excited to announce that the latest version of Opcenter Execution Semiconductor 8.5 has been released! This release provides enhancements to statistical process control (SPC) configuration and capabilities, new high-performance engine (HPE) framework and transactions, single item tracking enhancements for two-level lots and additional semiconductor improvements.