Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Design with Calibre

My Design's Interconnect Has Enough Wire Width to Withstand ESD... Doesn't It?

By Frank Feng, Mentor Graphics Electrostatic discharge can destroy a circuit, but designing adequate protection is not always a matter...

Solid Edge

Interview with Jeff Walker, Director of Solid Edge Products

J eff Walker is the Director of Solid Edge Products. He's heavily involved in the development prcoess, and one of the guys who really knows the software inside out because he's been involved in sp...

Design with Calibre

Self-Aligned Double Patterning, Part One

By David Abercrombie, Mentor Graphics A walk-through of the SADP process for success.    

Design with Calibre

Are multi-patterning corners for parasitic extraction really necessary for 16/14 nm?

By Karen Chow, Mentor Graphics How does multi-patterning impact parasitic extraction? How many corners do you really need?  

Design with Calibre

How to Survive the Perfect Storm of Changing Fill Requirements

By Jeff Wilson, Mentor Graphics Using hierarchy in the fill process provides greater control for the designers, improves consistency throughout...


Product Variant Management: Delivering the Variability Your Customers Demand

PLM is typically the gold source for the engineering definition of a product

Solid Edge

Dan Staples Interview on Connect Press Gives Predictions for 2015

Interested in what's in store for the CAD industry in 2015? Dan Staples talked to Connect Press recently and gave some predictions for what he thinks is going to happen. This link is worth a rea...

NX Design

Touch Screen CAD: The Future is Now

Touch screen CAD gives you the power of 3D design with the simplicity and freedom of a mobile device. NX 10 offers an enhanced touch-enabled environment, so you can now design on the go with a M...


5 Tips to Make NX Nastran Faster

NX Nastran can be optimized to run simulations faster, but how? If you think processor speed is the main factor you should consider, think again. Degrees of freedom (DOF) are also not as important to...