Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs


Requirements Management: What do cheese, cars and oil have in common?

A few days later we received a legal notice in the mail asking if we wanted to be included in class-action lawsuit to compensate drivers for the personal damage caused by these plugged holes

Electronic Systems Design

See you at 'PCB Carolina 2014' in Raleigh NC on Nov. 5th!

If you’ve never attended the PCB Carolina electronics trade show – you have been missing out! This FREE event will...

Solid Edge

Apple, U2 and the Edge (that's Solid Edge of course!)

U2 and Apple II in 1980. Read the full blog here.

Solid Edge

Introducing the new ST7 Hole Command

New for ST7 we have completely rebuilt the Hole Command user interface and the way hole information is stored.  We’ve also added new functionality to how holes can be modeled. New User Inter...


Better Battery Thermal Management with Co-Simulation

  Temperature is a critical parameter for Lithium-Ion batteries and co-simulation with NX Thermal and Simcenter Amesim leads to further insights into this effects of this parameter....

Simulating the Real World

Blue LEDs. Since When is Improvement Invention?

Lighting accounts for ~20% of the world’s total energy consumption. This is a staggering statistic. Why so much? Historically a...

Embedded Software

Embedded software articles - from simulation to optimization

As I have done before, I am continuing to catalog a wide selection of my articles that have appeared at...


Femap Customer Events in Japan

Last week saw a couple of well attended Femap customer events in Japan. The first event was a customer round table held at the Siemens PLM office in Shinyokohama on Thursday October 16th. Ten major...

Solid Edge

Get Ready - Monthly Solid Edge/Keyshot Rendering Contest Coming

The Solid Edge User Community is sponsoring a monthly rendering contest starting in December 2014. This gives us time to get past the recently announced Crazy Cart contest which ends November 22. &...