Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Electronic Systems Design

PADS VX Roundtable

Thanks to everyone for attending the PADS VX Roundtable webinar!  If you have not viewed it, it is now available...

Solid Edge

What Annoys History-based Users?

On a CAD blog I recently found an article bemoaning problems people have with their CAD systems. Somehow it devolved from a cynical yet rhetorical “survey” of sorts into a set of serious answers from...

Electronic Systems Design

Want to be in the PADS Customer Spotlight?

Hello PADS users ! For us, nothing is more important than our customers’ continued success. When we hear about the...


User Dialogues in FEMAP API (Part 2)

User Dialogues in FEMAP API Part 2 In Part 1 of this blog, we created a user dialogue that allows for data to be entered/selected.  In Part 2, we will capture the data entered/selected and use...


User Dialogues in FEMAP API (Part 1)

 User Dialogues in FEMAP API Part 1                 FEMAP API allows for engineers to easily automate routine analysi...


Astronomic Instruments Maker uses Femap to Save Time and Costs

ADS International, based in Valmadrera, Lecco, Italy, has been designing and building telescope, radio telescope and astronomic instruments for nearly 30 years. The company’s two main product lines a...

Electronic Systems Design

The Future of Integrity

I have recently been blogging about signal and power integrity, how the two are related, and how they can cross...

Solid Edge

Interview with Dan Staples

Since your promotion to VP of Development for Mainstream Engineering a few months ago, how have your daily duties changed? I spend more time interacting with the sales and marketing functi...

Electronic Systems Design

An Integrity Cocktail - Mixing SI and PI

There are a lot of reasons to mix SI and PI analysis – trying to figure out a worst-case stimuli...