Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Solid Edge

SEU14 video: ST7 Assembly Design with Art Patrick

This year at Solid Edge Universtity, they made me earn my paycheck. Of the available sessions, I was giving presentations or helping out for 5 time slots. This meant that I missed several presentatio...

Solid Edge

SEU14 video: Synchronous for the Skeptic

Like most people, I'm embarrassed to see myself on video, but here is a link to the youtube video of one of my Solid Edge University sessions that aimed to convice synchronous skeptics of the validit...

Electronic Systems Design

Placement Challenges: Hey You, Get Off of My Cloud!

This is the second post in this series. View the first one here. A placement challenge that I had to...

Embedded Software

C++ - more Questions and Answers

Following on from my recent online C++ lecture series, I found that I had a lot of interesting questions from...

Solid Edge

Solid Edge Crossword #001

Work from memory to complete this Solid Edge crossword. The real challenge lies in not referring Solid Edge or the Help documentation to guess the words. Across 3. Swept...


How to Conduct Manufacturing Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing using Intosite

  Intosite is an exciting new solution from Siemens PLM Software that helps conduct global manufacturing collaboration and knowledge sharing through the integrated use of  Google Earth g...


Achieve simulation-driven design faster with integrated 1D and 3D simulation

Simulation-driven design solves problems many engineers face in the automotive industry today. Vehicle complexity grows exponentially with consumer demand and government regulation for more fuel effi...


An Apples to Apples Comparison of PDM: MCAD Café Review

Comparing product data management (PDM) systems can be like comparing apples to apples


What does it cost to produce this product?

If you want to take the next step to drive product costs down by entire percentage points, each group must identify its key Cost Control Points and define the activities and processes needed to reduce costs