Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

NX Design

NX Case Study: Beiqi Foton Motor

Using NX™ software, Foton eliminated information isolation between departments, and incorporated engineers’ design experience into the system, saving time by reducing redundant data entry. This signi...

Solid Edge

Pushing Synchronous as a CAD Admin

You might have noticed that I’m not exactly neutral in the Synchronous vs Ordered debate. Synchronous was part of the reason for me to start looking at Solid Edge in the first place. So I’m always in...

Embedded Software

Asia [the band, not the continent]

For me, seeing live music is a passion. I take as many opportunities as I can to attend performances of...


Predicting the 2014 Soccer World Cup Winner using Plant Simulation

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil begins today. According to our Plant Simulation model developed by @Jonord, Brazil has the highest probability of winning the world cup with 22.3% followed by Germany with ...

NX Manufacturing

Quickly add new feature definitions for feature-based machining

The NX CAM feature recognition system is very flexible and provides opportunities for you to add your own custom geometry configurations into the feature libraries for Feature Based Machining (FBM). ...

Solid Edge

First Steps to Automation - Part 2

...continued from Part 1 Keep typing more lines as shown below: As evident, oDoc stores the Draft Document whose type definition comes from the DraftDocument type library refe...

Solid Edge

Take the First Steps to Automation

This is an epilogue to the article Select and you are all Set which also provides a free macro that overcomes a limitation in the selected object count displayed in the Solid Edge Draft environment. ...

Solid Edge

ST7: Material Table

The Material Table received a lot of attention in ST7. As a result, I think you will find materials in general much easier to deal with and a more complete solution than previously. You still access ...

Simulating the Real World

Top 10 FloTHERM V10 Features – #5: FloSCRIPT

Flo. As far as prefixes go, I don’t know of another company that uses one so consistently for product branding,...