Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

NX Design

NX9 for Aerospace

Did you know?: No less than 18 of the top 20 aerospace and defense OEMs use solutions from Siemens PLM Software All the top 20 aircraft engine manufacturers use solutions from Siemens PLM Sof...

NX Manufacturing

Set up your mill-turn machine with NX CAM

This Tech Tip shows how to use the example machines in your NX installation to setup a programming environment for mill-turns. Learn how to easily set up and simulate these versatile machines in...

Electronic Systems Design

How the Free Land Pattern Creator in PADS will save you time! : Part 3

This is the 3rd of my 5-part blog series focusing on cool features, tips and tricks that will enable you...

Solid Edge

ST7: Microsoft Surface Pro

One of the key pieces of hardware at Solid Edge University this year was the Microsoft Surface Pro 2. I've been a fan of the Surface Pro since it was released a year and a half ago or so. It has all ...

Embedded Software

C++ Exception handling continued - words from an insider

As I continue with my current pre-occupation with C++, I decided to discuss some aspects of the language with my...

Solid Edge

SEU14 Presentations Headed for the Knowledge Base

This year we're getting the presentation files from Solid Edge University out to users more promptly. Half of them are up already, and you can expect to see the rest popping up in the Knowledge ...

Solid Edge

Select and you are all Set

This article discusses: • Object selection options in the Draft environment • Several wish list items. • A free macro for one of the wish list items. The Select tool is the foremost ...

Embedded Software

Internet shopping and customer service

Internet shopping is, IMHO, a Good Thing. It may be argued that its success has been to the detriment of...

Academic and Startups

PLM Connection Americas Academic Discount

Above, Bill Boswell, senior director of Partner Strategy at Siemens PLM Software, presents with Principia College solar car team representatives at last year's PLM Connection. If you...