
ATA and Siemens to host digital image correlation seminar

Explore digital image correlation (DIC) alongside your industry peers at an upcoming seminar hosted by ATA Engineering and Siemens Digital Industries Software. 

On Wednesday, May 24, 2023, join Expert Partner ATA and Siemens for the one-day DIC Seminar at ATA’s headquarters in San Diego, California. This free event will feature presentations on the basic principles of DIC and test-analysis correlation, followed by live demonstrations of image acquisition and data processing for quasi-static and dynamic applications using Simcenter Testlab, a comprehensive testing solution integrating high-speed multiphysics data acquisition with a full suite of integrated modeling and analytics tools.

ATA and Siemens will cohost an in-person digital image correlation seminar on Wednesday, May 24 in San Diego, California.

What will you learn?

At this seminar, ATA and Siemens will answer the following questions:

  • What is digital image correlation, and how would it be useful to my company?
  • What equipment would I need to use this technology?
  • How does this technology compare to traditional methods for measuring strain, such as using strain gages?
  • Can I use DIC for dynamic applications, and if so, what is the frequency range over which it would be applicable?

Are you interested in attending? Review the seminar agenda below to learn more.

Seminar Agenda

8:00 a.m.     Welcome and Coffee

8:15 a.m.     Introduction to Digital Image Correlation

8:45 a.m.     DIC Measurement Setup

9:15 a.m.     DIC Measurement Parameters

9:45 a.m.     Break

10:00 a.m.   Quasi-static Application – Test Setup with Low-Speed Cameras

10:30 a.m.   Quasi-static Application – Image Acquisition

11:00 a.m.   Quasi-static Application – Data Processing

11:30 a.m.   Quasi-static Application – Data Analysis

12:00 p.m.   Lunch

1:00 p.m.     Vibration Application – Test Setup with High-Speed Cameras

1:30 p.m.     Vibration Application – Image Acquisition

2:00 p.m.     Vibration Application – Data Processing & Analysis

3:00 p.m.     Break

3:15 p.m.     Finite Element Model Correlation

3:45 p.m.     Open Discussion and Conclusions

4:15 p.m.     Wrap-Up

Morning refreshments and lunch will be provided.

At this seminar, you will discover how your team can leverage the data and insights gathered using DIC to validate or update analysis models and enhance simulation accuracy and realism while connecting with fellow Simcenter users.

Robert Lyons

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at